Just some of the Benefits for the members. Also vist South Carolina FOP web page and National as well.
This is just a few Benefits
Local Support for our members/families with our Lodge.
Legal Defense, this is a benefit that all Officers needs to have. You pay your membership with the Lodge, then YOU contact Hylant at 1 800 341 6038 or info@foplegal.com.
College Discounts
Legislative Action, Support that fights for our needs
Retirement Benefits
Death Benefits
Travel Perks
Local monthly meetings, If you have not attended a meeting, I encourage you to attend. If you can not attend every meeting, I encourage you to attend when able to. At the meetings, we talk about upcoming events, projects as well as what is taking place from State and National Lodge. There is a meal served at the meeting. Hope to see some new faces as well as old faces that has not attended in some time.